Do you have clients who would rather Text than Talk, or Message you through Facebook rather than meet Face to Face? Sometimes the Platinum Rule (Do on to others as they want to be done to) can be frustrating when the world of contracts and negotiations meets Gen Y communication styles.
Gen Ys are the most social of our generations, and are the primary demographic of first time home buyers. Texting and social media are their primary tools for communication and as Trusted Advisors, we should incorporate these mediums in the home buying process.
So here’s a fun tip that will build trust and loyalty, and develop new business by engaging these clients and their friends. Create a contest by asking your GenY s to send a text message, or Facebook post to their friends, asking them to participate in their home buying venture. Offer to buy dinner, movie tickets, etc., to the person who guesses the day and time of your GenY’s closing. Get their friends involved by having them participate in guessing the color of the home they purchase, size of the lot, or a word game with the address. Your GenYs and their friends (read future first time homebuyers) will appreciate your support and you can turn a potentially stressful venture into a fun adventure!